Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Worst One Yet

I would love to make a movie about Public Service Announcements. More specifically, anti-drug PSA's. There's something a bit kitschy and maybe even nostalgic about them. The commercials, the Saturday morning cartoon efforts, the after-school specials...
One of my opinions is that the people who make these anti-drug advertisements (most by Above the Influence of Office of National Drug Control Policy) have never experimented with drugs, and are basically trying to find "the worst one yet"....the one to scare the wits out of everyone.

I'm all for the anti-heroin, anti-meth, anti-crack commercials...if not for the entertainment value, but the marijuana ones really get me. It has its share of bad side-effects, but once again, I think the creators behind these PSA's are trying the find "the worst one yet".

That's what I want to make a movie about. A group of PSA filmmakers out to find "the worst one yet". Maybe even invent a new drug that has seeped into society and is, in fact, "the worst one yet".

I just got finished watching the Rachel Leigh Cook/frying pan PSA and there's so much you can do to deconstruct that. Who wrote that? How much did the actress get paid? She's in Hollywood; has she ever used drugs? How much did it cost to make the PSA? I want to get in there, and maybe make it funny.
The slogans are gold, too! "Just Say No", "Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?", etc. Hell, "The Worst One Yet" is a slogan itself. And there's a whole slew of slogans and concepts to come up with in making a movie about PSA's.

I think it would have to be a comedy. It couldn't take itself too seriously. An even better idea - a whole movie of Muppets doing PSA's!

"Don't Dooooo Drugs!"

Look, I'm not trying to be that "hippie guy" or "the druggie" defending the use of recreational drugs. Just thinking, wouldn't a movie like that be funny? I know I'm just rambling, and I'm new to blogging, and I sort of see rambling synonymous with blogging, so I don't know...

"The Worst One Yet" - A Movie About PSA's, A PSA About PSA's....

Some PSA's cover genuinely relevant topics and issues. Others are hilarious. Let's explore that side, shall we?

I leave you with a quote by the late Bill Hicks:

"Always that same LSD story, you've all seen it. 'Young man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out of a building. What a tragedy.' What a dick! Fuck him, he’s an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didn’t he take off on the ground first? Check it out. You don’t see ducks lined up to catch elevators to fly south—they fly from the ground, ya moron, quit ruining it for everybody. He’s a moron, he’s dead—good, we lost a moron, fuckin’ celebrate. Wow, I just felt the world get lighter. We lost a moron! I don’t mean to sound cold, or cruel, or vicious, but I am, so that’s the way it comes out. Professional help is being sought. How about a positive LSD story? Wouldn't that be news-worthy, just the once? To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition and lies? I think it would be news-worthy. 'Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves' . . . 'Here's Tom with the weather.'"