Friday, October 2, 2009

Hon, Get the Camera, We're Gonna Make a Moving Picture!

I am in the pre-production stage of developing my very own movie. I am co-writing and co-directing it with my girlfriend, who I will call "K".

This is all very new and exciting to me. Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to make a movie. Back when I was a wee bit, anytime my brother and I would "play", we called it a movie. We played "war", it was a war movie. We played "Cowboys and Indians", it was a Western. It got pretty heavy at points, especially with our sci-fi franchise called "Spacewatcher". There were like 10 sequels. It followed a sort of astronaut who was responsible for "watching space". He'd go up there and defend the Earth against meteors, aliens and space pirates. It was awesome.

When I got a bit older, especially high school, I began my fascination with movies and TV. It started with being a Tarantino fan and throughout the years graduated to the likes of Robert Altman, Joss Whedon and Sam Peckinpah. It was in high school when I decided I'd grow up and become a director! Then, I started writing screenplays. Most of them were Tarantinoesque crime yarns. I also wrote a few horror movies, most notably "Organ Donor", about a slaughterhouse full of human victims. Hey, maybe one day I'll get to make that film.

I graduated high school with the thought in the back of my mind that after a year, I'd go to film school. I was looking at Full Sail University in Florida. Well, it's been 6 years and I have not gone to film school, much less any type of school after high. Even though I'm 24, I feel as if I'm being timed...and in a way, I am. The great clock of life and death. I realize a few things now: you're never too old and if you want something done, you have to do it yourself. Back then, I figured I'd go to film school, make some student films, graduate, move to L.A., and land a directing gig right away, plain and simple. I was young! I realize now, this will never happen. To anyone. No one is going to hand me the camera and say, "here, shoot this!". Or, "Your vision seems good on's 10 million dollars...make a movie." I wish someone would, but it's just not going to happen. I must do this myself.

Luckily, I have a girlfriend who is into the same things as me. She also wants to make movies. The only natural response to this is to make one together. We can pull our resources and get it done right. So that's what we're doing. Pre-production for us is writing the script (we've finished the first draft), casting actors, assembling a crew, some business/legal stuff, location, making a prop list, set list, budget, and uh...saving money for a camera. It looks bad after you read it. "One day I'm going to save a LOT of money and buy a camera and film everything and ohmygod I'm so excited!"
It's nothing like that...we'll get the money and have the camera (Canon GL2) by Jan. We plan on shooting in Feb. or March, but it maybe later than that.

We do have a lot of support but we need more. We're setting up a donation for our production company (legal mumbo jumbo pending) that will be used toward the budget of the film. Our plans are to make this a "web movie" - host a website where it can be streamed, put it on youtube, myspace and anywhere else we can. We also want to sell copies of the movie with a planned documentary about the making as a special feature.

On Monday, K, our producer David and one of the main actors Justin will be attending a camera course for the GL2. It is a free class at our local media broadcast center. We're taking some free courses and then we're going to shoot a movie with their equipment. It's going to be a preface for our "BIG" movie. The reason is: when you check out their equipment and return it, they get the video. They air it on public access and you cannot make a profit on it. So, it will be a trial run while still pertaining to the overall story we're going to tell.

I cannot discuss the movie in great detail now. I don't want to share the title for copyright purposes. Same goes with the plot. What I can say is, it's a comedy about horror conventions. I think it's something horror fans will appreciate. I think it's something anyone with a knack for human drama and farce will appreciate. You don't have to "get" the convention circuit to enjoy this's open for everyone. We think it has engaging characters and a moving storyline and I'm not just saying that because it's mine. I've written some sloppy screenplays before. But that was for fun. I (and K) have put my heart and soul into this. The seeds have been planted and soon my baby will be shown to the world. I hope for success (mild, even) and recognition but will gladly settle for just finishing the project. This is only the first of many. More details to come...

NOTE: Not all of my blogs will be about this movie. It's just the most important thing in my life right now and so it's constantly on my mind. I just felt the need to write something about it. Come back soon and see blogs about cowboys, robots and everything in between.

1 comment:

  1. YES! This is exciting! I will post a blog about our movie adventures soon too! WE CAN DO IT! :D
